

Why smoking is harmfull to your teeth ?

Smoking leads to dental problems, including:

Bad breathe

Tooth disclouration

  • Inflammation of the salivary gland openings on the roof of the mouth
  • Increased build up of plague and tartar on the teeth.
  • Increased loss of bone within the jaw
  • Increased risk of leukoplakia, white patches inside the mouth.
  • Increased risk of developing gum disease, a leading cause of tooth loss
  • Delayed healing process following tooth extraction , periodontal treatment, or oral surgery
  • Lower success rate of dental implant procedures
  • Increased risk of developing oral cancer.

It Doesn’t End There !!

Not only are smokers bound to have dental problems, but the more you smoke, the worse they will get.
Unfortunately, smokers also tend to be more careless with their oral health. But even if you are practicing excellent oral hygiene, you won’t greatly improve your chances of preventing some of the oral problems associated with smoking. Tobacco products often contain gritty materials that work like sandpaper against your teeth, and once tooth enamel is damaged, it doesn’t grow back. You should also consider that if cancer-causing agents enter your system, they can’t be brushed away!

You Can Do It!

The nicotine in cigarettes is highly addictive, and keeps smokers reaching for their packs. But as hard as it is, you can — and should — quit smoking. Abandoning the habit will significantly decrease the risk of many health problems. Nicotine gum and patches, herbal remedies, therapy and support groups are all available to help you stop smoking.


The effects of smoking make it extremely difficult to live a healthy lifestyle. So if you don’t smoke, don’t start. If you are a smoker and looking to quit, start by seeing a dentist to evaluate your dental health and get an oral cancer exam . Your dentist can help you decide on a plan to quit smoking, and will provide any necessary dental therapy to repair the damage that’s been done. If you care about your health, you’ll take the steps to improve it — and prolong your life in the process!


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